Stand Out at Your Graduation: Unique Photo Ideas

Don't miss out on this ultimate guide on how to take graduation photos to capture your milestone achievement. Read now to create picture-perfect memories!

Stand Out at Your Graduation: Unique Photo Ideas

Whether it’s for pre-K, elementary school, or college, graduation is an important event. Just as new parents will line up with cameras to celebrate their tots reaching a milestone, so should you take advantage of this wonderful photo opportunity! After all, you’re about to enter professional life. Your family too must be proud of your achievement. So, why not turn it into a memory you all can relive down the lane?

Now, whether the ceremony takes place in the school’s gym, auditorium, or outdoors, it’s going to be a memorable occasion. So, we recommend you immortalize it with our unique ideas on how to take graduation photos:

1. Take Lots of Group Photos

Some friendships save the world.

Some themes, like the classic throw-your-hat-up-in-the-air pose, are timeless. Definitely take that one! But don’t forget to pose for group pictures with your friends and family, either. Document your appreciation for your biggest supporters to strengthen those familial bonds.

2. Show off Your School Colors

Ms. Granger looking dapper in school colors.

A great way of showing some school spirit is by dressing up for your graduation in school colors. It also makes the eternal question of what to wear for graduation photos easier to answer. But if you want to show off your new threads, we suggest post-editing to make these pictures duotone. 

3. Don’t Forget to Pop!

911? I have a noise complaint. The Weasleys are celebrating something...again!

If it’s a celebration–and graduating is–you can’t forego the spraying of champagne, popping the cork, and toasting to your new degree with your near and dear ones. Our recommendation: dedicate the last photo-taking slot to this activity and do it outdoors. That way, the photos will come out fun and charming, but you won’t walk away looking like a mess.

4. Look Back

Ms. Lovegood strikes the looking-back pose.

Incorporate movement with the look-back-at-the-camera pose for your graduation photoshoot. The eye-catching picture will also signify that you took a moment to reflect on your journey so far right before embarking on a new path.

5. Get Messy

Ginny never did anything by halves.

Champagne sprays are good ‘n all. But what about other messy props that result in beautiful pictures? We mean confetti and glitter! You can use a confetti cannon or simply toss up handfuls of the stuff to show you know how to take professional outdoor graduation photos.

6. Let it All Go Up in Smoke

Mr. Longbottom looking very suave.

Want another tip about how to take good graduation photos? Display your flair for the dramatics by adding colored smoke to the mix! You can pick your school colors or shades that match those of the sorority/fraternity house you belong to. Make things even more spectacular by placing the canister behind you. The colored smoke will form a dramatic backdrop for your photos.

7. Change Outfits

Draco believes in once a Slytherin...

Want to know a secret about how to take your own graduation photos? More often than not, the right outfit can turn the dial up yet another notch. Don’t stick to the classic gown and cap setup in all your pictures. Demonstrate your unique style and clothing choices by going for an outfit change.

8. Start Climbing

Mr. Potter showing us how to pose.

For an out-of-the-box shoot, you should also know where to take graduation photos. By that we mean appropriating various locations in different photos. For instance, figuring out how to take walking graduation photos on the school stairs. It’s a meaningful location and you can try different poses to see which ones work, such as:

  • Climbing or going down the stairs
  • Walking towards or away from focus

You can also try to incorporate statues and other landmarks on the school grounds–or the graduation ceremony venue. Does your school have a mascot? Can you make it a part of your graduation shoot? Keep thinking 

9. Tell a Story

Or, wear the same expression ala Ron watching Hermione dancing with Krum

We’ve already talked about how photos can help you tell better stories. Think along those lines as you figure out how to take graduation photos. Since a single image can rarely tell a story, we suggest taking a series of them to form a chronological narrative. For instance, you can go with:

  • Waking up on graduation day
  • Getting ready
  • Getting to the location 
  • Meeting up with friends

And so on.


If you want to determine how to take the best graduation photos, we have two main pieces of advice for you. First off, plan your shoot well but keep things lighthearted. It’s a celebratory shoot, and keeping it fun will make for better pictures. Secondly, use DropEvent to instantaneously transfer, share, and store your images. Its slideshow option is perfect for new graduates curious about how to make a memorial video of photos for graduation while its QR code-based sharing ensures even your tech-unfriendly grandparents will get to see the pictures!


1. How to do graduation photography?

If you want to know how to take great graduation photos, our first bit of advice would be to use a good quality camera. Secondly, visit and photograph the venue beforehand to get comfy with the lighting. Thirdly, use burst mode to capture instantaneous and spontaneous moments. Finally, don’t forget to capture the must-be-taken poses, such as hat tossing, diploma receiving, etc.

2. How do you look good in grad pictures?

Dress in comfortable but smart-looking attire for your grad photo shoot. Be ready to have fun and celebrate your achievements. Use this guide to learn how to pose for graduation photos.

3. When should I take graduation photos?

Students worrying about when to take graduation photos can relax because there’s no right time to take them. Want to avoid post-graduation rigors? Then do them before or during your school year. You can also have your shoot right before graduation proper so you won’t be as stressed out during the ceremony.
