Family Album vs DropEvent

Explore the top contenders in group photo sharing with our comparison of Family Album and DropEvent. May the best app for sharing cherished memories win!

Family Album vs DropEvent

I don’t know about you, but the first thought that comes into my mind when I see something spectacular or horrifying or beautifully awkward usually goes like this:

I bet X (Insert Name of BFF, Sib, Significant Other, or Parent) would loooove/haaaate this!

Cue, me hitting the share button so they can experience that same emotion or feeling. And that’s what our eternal photo-taking-and-sharing mania’s all about.

We’ll use it to show:

How special something is for us.

Or preserve it so we can relive amazing memories again & again.

And even capture Hallmark moments, like running into old friends.

If it were up to us, we’d never be caught unawares without a camera!


Hilarious memes aside, wanting to spread joy & include our loved ones isn’t a bad thing. You’re probably already familiar with the many different ways of photosharing. However, we’d recommend picking an app to share photos with family that’s safe & gives you the best value for your money.

We’re comparing two top apps, Family Album & DropEvent, in this blog to help you choose the right one for you in 2024!




  • People will continue to share photos with their loved ones.
  • It’s why there’s always a new photosharing tool cropping up every now & then.
  • If you’ve been wondering which one to choose, we compare two popular tools in this blog.
  • It pays to check how safe an app is before you use it to share your family photos!


Also Read: DropEvent Vs Dropbox: The Best Group-Photo Sharing App in 2024


Family Album Vs DropEvent At a Glance

Not many people are familiar with Family Album, but its users swear by it. And while DropEvent & Family Album have their own pros & cons, it’s time you familiarize yourself with both.


Quick Comparison Table

What is Family Album?

Family Album is a private app for photo & videos that’s designed to help you stay connected with your family & friends.

The best thing about the family album app is unlimited storage! Aside from that, the tool will automatically create compilation videos from your content & organize your stuff. It’s also ad-free. The app also rewards family members you share your album with, based on how active they are. That said, some users complain about the compilation videos coming off as cheesy and fake-looking.


What is DropEvent?

DropEvent makes collecting & sharing photos or videos with complete security easy & lightning quick.

Since you’re the only one who has to sign up for a DropEvent account, there’s no need for anyone else you’re group photosharing with to make an account. They can also send you photos & videos without an account or friending you. This is doubly useful for newly married couples looking for priceless moments their relatives or friends may have captured.


Also Read: How to Preserve Your Wedding Memories with DropEvent’s Photo-Sharing Platform


Family Album Features

Let’s dive into the core features of Family Album, so you can determine if it’s the photosharing tool you’ve been looking for:


Feature #1 – Visitors Welcome

Tired of waiting for your loved ones to reply after you’ve emailed them your vacay photos? You won’t have to do that with Family Album's "Visitors Welcome" feature. You can share your albums even with people who don’t have a Family Album account.


All it takes is creating a shareable link & you can:


  • Choose if you want to share everything, a specific album, or photos from a specific period—highly useful for event photo sharing.
  • Password protect your photo album from unauthorized access.
  • Display an album on social media, such as Facebook and Twitter.


Feature #2 – Upload from Your Computer

The premium plan lets you place all your memories on FamilyAlbum directly from your computer. The supported formats for photos are:


  • JPG
  • PNG
  • JPEG
  • GIF


Video-supported formats are:


  • MP4
  • QT
  • MOV
  • 3GP
  • MTS
  • M4V


Feature #3 – Ready to Go Photobooks

You can either select the photos on the app to create a photobook yourself. Or, you can use the selection from its monthly suggestions to make one. Either way, you’ll have a compilation of the best moments from memorable days ready to be printed or given as gifts.

Once you’re happy with the photobook, you can order it to be printed in different sizes. Or, you can tweak the product until you have the book exactly the way you envisioned it.

There are three types of Family Album Photobooks: Premium Softcover (highest quality), Hardcover (ideal for single photos taken on special occasions), and Classic Softcover (cost-efficient, so ideal for bulk printing).


Photobooks can be great for:


  • Creating your child's growth record
  • Commemorating special days or occasions
  • Sharing online with friends & family
  • Gifting


DropEvent Features

You’ve seen what Family Album can do. Now, let’s look at how DropEvent’s best features wow its users:


Feature #1 – Collect Photos Within Minutes

DropEvent requires just one person to create an account—the owner of the gallery. After that, you can use it to:


  • Store your pictures & videos
  • Collect pictures—immediately or at a specific date
  • Share your content with anybody—with or without a DropEvent account


When you’re ready to share or receive content, you can do it in one of three easy ways:


  • With a shareable gallery link
  • Through a dedicated email address
  • With a QR code


No need to manually attach or email dozens of people or send almost-strangers an awkward friend request!


Feature #2 – Create Albums and Slideshows

Sort all the content within your gallery the way you want to. For instance, you can organize pictures in different folders for different events, dates, etc. Name the folder so you can easily find it later.

Moreover, with a paid plan, you can also modify your gallery’s look, such as colors & fonts, or add logos, etc.

Once your gallery is set up, you can turn it into a slideshow at any time. You may choose which pictures you want to display or use the readymade slideshow to wow guests.


Feature #3 – Share Using QR Codes

Finally, if you’re using DropEvent for a wedding or a corporate occasion, you’ll have pictures coming from multiple sources. There will be the official images & videos you get from the photographer you hire, and photos the guests take with their own phones & cameras—many of them too priceless to ignore. Get everything by forwarding a QR code to all your contributors. That’s how easy photosharing & collection is with DropEvent!


Also Read: 11 Reasons to Use DropEvent for Your Wedding Photo Sharing


Family Album Pricing

Unlike many photo sharing apps that offer two pricing tiers, Free and Premium, Family Album has another tier, i.e., Premium Pro. If you’re on the Free tier, you can download 3-minute-long movies & 3-photos-long slideshows. However, you do enjoy unlimited storage for photos and one-second compilation videos every 3 months. There’s also automatic organization and sharing your album with 50 others while retaining visibility controls.


The Premium (about $5) & Premium Pro (about $9) tiers build on those benefits by:


  • Extending the video download length to 10 mins
  • Unlimited slideshows
  • Monthly, three-monthly, & yearly compilation movies
  • Sharing with 500 people & adding custom groups to the visibility controls list


They also let you build personal pages, upload directly from your computer, & offer free shipping. The main difference between the two is video quality—full HD with Pro.

Families just starting to use the app should get the Free tier. But the Premium tiers are better options for those who want more than a basic photosharing app. Through them, you can create custom photobooks & share video content.


DropEvent Pricing

DropEvent, too, has three pricing tiers:


  • The Photos Only tier is for no-limit & high-quality photosharing. You don’t have to worry about space issues or loss of quality. It also backs up all content in Dropbox, so you never lose your precious memories. There’s also a slideshow mode for you to enjoy. That said, you’ll be subject to a limit on how many photos you can download.
  • The Photos + Videos tier has all those features from the Photos Only tier with the addition of the ability to upload 100GB of videos.
  • The Event Pros tier lets you create multiple galleries for different events. It also has auto-archiving to keep your gallery organized. It’s easy to check the likes & comments on your content or share directly on social media from your gallery.


Also Read: Battle of the Best Group Photo Sharing Apps: Apple Photos vs. DropEvent


Family Album Pros and Cons

As evident, there are both good things & not-so-good ones you’ll need to consider before switching to Family Album. But our list of pros & cons below should make that simple:



  • The Premium plan is $5/month while the Premium Pro is $8/month.
  • Anyone with your shareable link can access your photos & videos.
  • The app’s design is simple enough for even your most technologically challenged relatives.



  • Will pull quite a bit of your data—read the fine print in the iOS App Store.
  • Restricts video length & quality during downloads & doesn’t let you upload from a PC if you’re on the Free tier.
  • A shareable link is the only way to log in. So, if you replace your device, you can’t just log back in without the link!
  • There’s no way to upload photos in the background—you can only do it with the app open & the process is SLOW.
  • There are in-app purchases.


DropEvent Pros and Cons



  • DropEvent makes it quick and easy to get photos from everyone who attended an event.
  • It shows who’s contributing to your galleries & engaging with your photos & videos.
  • It also allows you to protect your data via password, hiding specific pictures, & controlling who can upload to your gallery.



  • You get limited cloud storage—20GB—with the Free tier.
  • Not yet available as a mobile app—only as a web one.


Also Read: The Best Google Photos Alternative


The Verdict

So, which app wins this battle? The Family Album or DropEvent? And why should you stick with either? We’ll tell you which to pick based on your requirements:


Why Stick with Family Album?

Users should stick with Family Album if they want:


  • Unlimited photo storage with or without paying for it!
  • Better than social media image quality, which is why your Family Album prints will turn out better.
  • To order a photobook that also contains the comments from the people you shared your photos with. It can make a touching gift.


Why Opt for DropEvent?

Opt for DropEvent as the photosharing app of choice if your objective is to:


  • Ensure quick-n-easy sharing with friends & family, particularly ones who aren’t as tech-savvy or don’t have a DropEvent account.
  • Simplify the process of collecting pictures of events, such as weddings & family trips, from various sources.
  • Set up & manage different galleries for one event, such as an engagement, rehearsal dinner, reception, etc.
  • Confirm all those who couldn’t attend your event can enjoy the photos & videos.


Want the easiest way to collect and share your wedding or family photos? Try DropEvent!




1. How does DropEvent work?

Get DropEvent to simplify photosharing in four steps:

  1. Create an event gallery, name it, & choose a date for uploads.
  2. Add your own pictures & videos to it.
  3. Let others contribute to your gallery by sending them a link/QR code.
  4. Enjoy the comments & likes of your loved ones on your photos.


2. Is Family Album free?

Family Album does have a free tier that gives you unlimited storage & lets you share your album with 50 others. While the free tier also has automatic organization, it doesn’t allow you to create custom photobooks or download videos.


3. Is Family Album Safe?

Family Album uses these security measures to protect your stuff:


  • Data encryption
  • Password protection
  • Visibility controls


4. What is the best way to collect photos from a group?

You can use the following ways to collect photos from a group:


  • Create a shared folder in a cloud storage.
  • A photo-sharing app, such as Family Album or DropEvent.


5. What is a group sharing app?

A group sharing app allows users to share photos, videos, files, etc., with others. Some popular group-sharing apps are:


  • Google Photos
  • iCloud Shared Photo Library
  • Amazon Photos
  • DropEvent
  • Family Album
  • Google Drive
  • Dropbox
  • Microsoft OneDrive
  • WhatsApp
  • Telegram
  • Signal


6. What’s the best way to share photos between Apple and Android?

The best way to share photos between Apple and Android is through:

  • Cloud storage—Share links to upload photos and videos.
  • Messaging apps—Send photos as attachments.
  • Photo-sharing apps—Add photos to a shared album or gallery.