Google Photos vs DropEvent: Which One’s Best for Group Photo Sharing (2024)

Discover why DropEvent is the ultimate Google Photos alternative for storing, sharing, and organizing your precious memories to unleash their full potential!

Google Photos vs DropEvent: Which One’s Best for Group Photo Sharing (2024)

If there’s anything we love more than taking photos, it’s sharing them! Whether we post our creation on social media as is or immortalize it by turning it into a meme, this habit transcends all boundaries & borders.

Photos are an important part of human self-expression, be it our moods, current emotions, or an ongoing crisis. Just look at these absolutely legendary memes if you doubt the importance of photo-taking & sharing:

Andras Arato, aka Hide the Pain, Harold guy, is a household meme.

As is this tweet:

Or Grumpy Cat:

Another template we won’t stop using anytime soon:

But what good would these photos have done if they had languished away in an album somewhere? Sharing photos with friends & family spreads joy & helps us stay connected. That impulse has resulted in the making of so many photo-sharing tools.

Now, while you can use any old messaging app to share memes, you wouldn’t want to do the same with your treasured memories & family photos. You’ll want a photosharing tool that’s safe & easy to use. And that brings us to today’s topic, viz DropEvent vs Google Photos.

Inside this Blog:

  • Google Photos vs DropEvent At a Glance
  • Features
  • Pricing
  • Pros & Cons
  • The Verdict

Google Photos vs DropEvent At a Glance

You’re probably familiar with both tools. Each has its advantages & disadvantages, but they have some stark differences that can be the game changer for anyone considering either of them.

Quick Comparison Table

What is Google Photos?

Google Photos is a photo & video sharing & storage service with basic editing features. It also lets users create albums, slideshows, & collages.

While Google Photos comes with various useful advanced features, such as its AI’s ability to recognize people’s faces & places in photos, some users complain about its basic functionality. For instance, you can’t just drag-and-drop a photo to a folder.

What is DropEvent?

DropEvent is the web app of choice if you want an all-in-one photo & video collecting, storing, & editing tool.

One of DropEvent’s user-favorite features is the speed & ease with which it lets you receive & share pictures. What’s more, it doesn’t require the contributor/recipient to have a DropEvent account. They can do both via email, QR code, or gallery link! This makes it so much easier for users, such as newly marrieds, to spread their wedding photos far & wide—as they should!

Also Read: How to Preserve Your Wedding Memories with DropEvent’s Photo-Sharing Platform

Google Photos Features

But that’s just scratching the Google Photos surface! Let’s give its best features a deeper and more detailed look:

Feature #1 – Auto-Share Photos

If you love taking photos, chances are you will share them at some point. Google Photos makes that simpler through Partner Sharing. You’ll be able to share certain photos automatically, such as one parent can set it up so any photos they take of their child will automatically get sent to the other parent. In other words, Google Photos recognizes the kid’s face & sends along the photos to the partner!

Feature #2 – Photos as Slideshow

Google Photos also has a slideshow feature, which makes it easier to swipe through whole albums and choose the stuff you want to share. It works on both the mobile app and desktop version of the tool. You can also run the slideshow from a specific album or directly from the camera roll.

Feature #3 – Storage Saver

Google Photos has an inbuilt storage manager to make up for the fact that it does not offer free unlimited space. It lists your stuff so you can see which items take up the most space. The tool will also organize media in various ways, such as:

  • Size
  • Blurriness
  • Screenshots

Remember, the 15 GB storage is shared with other Google services—it means if you save photos to Google Drive, their size counts towards the grand total!

DropEvent Features

DropEvent is a valiant contender and Google Photos alternative with the following features:

Feature #1 – Collect Pictures Within Minutes

Sign up for an account to get your own DropEvent gallery—free or paid. After that, you can load it up with all your media. What’s more, you can also receive photos & videos from anybody you choose—DropEvent account or not.

Invite others to contribute to your gallery via:

  • A shareable link
  • QR code
  • Email address dedicated to the gallery

You won’t have to send individual emails and then download the pictures sent in as attachments. Your contributors can add to the gallery directly.

Besides this awesome feature, DropEvent also lets you set dates for when the sharing should begin. Highly useful for events, such as weddings, corporate workshops, etc., that fall on a specific date.

Feature #2 – Create Albums and Slideshows

Any good alternative to Google Photos must come with a way of setting up slideshows. Right? DropEvent truly impresses on that front! Pick any gallery that already has your media and use it as your readymade slideshow. In fact, we’d recommend watching it with your nearest & dearest and turning the whole thing into an event.

Sort your photos & videos into different galleries. You can organize them in several ways, such as:

  • Event name
  • Event type
  • Event date

DropEvent’s paid plans also let you change the appearance of your galleries, add logos or brand colors to them, and so on.

Feature #3 – Share Using QR Codes

DropEvent isn’t just great for collecting pictures; it’s also the best choice for group photo sharing. Besides the usual ways, like emails & links, this web app also lets you share using a QR code. Once someone gets this code, they can scan it with their phone and land on your DropEvent gallery.

What’s more, they can view the media you select, add likes & comments, and upload their own photos & videos. In other words, you can bypass the usually laborious process of sending photos as email attachments, and get the recipients to engage on your photos directly!

Finally, there’s more in the workings for DropEvent users. Soon, they’ll also be able to stylize the QR code appearance with fonts and colors to match their own theme or that of their brand. Imagine getting it to match with your wedding décor!

Also Read: 11 Reasons to Use DropEvent for Your Wedding Photo Sharing

Google Photos Pricing

Google Photos has two-tiered pricing. The first or free plan gives users unlimited storage—as long as you’re storing compressed media. That reduces the resolution to 16 MP (photos) & 1080p (videos).

The second or paid plan offers 100 GB of storage space for $1.99/month all the way up to 10TB for $49.99/month.

Families who don’t mind Google Photos shaving pixels off their photos & videos can start with the free plan. Switching to the paid plan is easier if you don’t like the results. Opt for 100 GB if you’re happy with fewer but high-quality pictures and don’t require more storage space.

DropEvent Pricing

DropEvent offers three types of plans, which are:

A Photos Only subscription that doesn’t limit storage space but only the number of photos you download in a month. In other words, the quality of your photos & videos remains untouched & uncompressed. For added security, this plan also has:

  • A Dropbox-based backup.
  • Permission approval process for others with access to your gallery.

This subscription maximizes the ways you can enjoy the memories stored in your gallery by:

  • Viewing them in a slideshow
  • Directly sharing them on social media

There’s also a Photos + Videos tier that lets you upload 100 GB of videos in addition to all the perks from the Photos Only plan.

The last tier, Event Pros, is ideal for users who take loads of family trips or couples about to tie the knot. In other words, if you know you’re going to be taking a lot of pictures or shooting many videos, then get this plan!

With it, you can set up different galleries—one for each event/trip. Once the event date you’ve set up passes, DropEvent will auto-archive that folder, saving you the trouble. You can even share your gallery’s link with other guests or family members and have them send in photos. Or, just enjoy their expression of love when they leave comments & likes directly in your DropEvent gallery.

Lastly, it's also the best way to ensure that everybody feels included, including loved ones who were unable to attend your event.

Google Photos Pros and Cons


  • Google’s the master of integration, which is why Google Photos works so well on the phone.
  • It will share fond memories to remind you of beautiful moments from the past.
  • Potentially offers 15 GB of free storage space.


  • Shaves down picture quality to 16 megapixels to make room.
  • Going back to delete photos from a few years ago can be difficult but necessary if you don’t want to exceed your (free) storage quota.
  • Since the space on offer is NOT cumulative, you can lose access to all storage-based Google services, such as email and drive, once exhausted!

DropEvent Pros and Cons


  • Simplifies receiving & sharing media to such an extent that it’s the best way to collect photos from a group, even from those who don't have a DropEvent account.
  • Hands you the reins—you control who sees your photos or videos, which ones, and who can add stuff to your gallery
  • Shows you who’s engaging with your photos through likes & comments.


  • The free tier comes with limited cloud storage—20GB—that might not be enough for big families, large events, etc.
  • DropEvent isn’t available in the mobile app version—yet.

Also Read: Battle of the Best Group Photo Sharing Apps: Apple Photos vs. DropEvent

Google Photos vs DropEvent—The Verdict

You’re probably wondering who wins the Google Photos vs. DropEvent since both tools are highly useful & have benefits to offer.

Let us simplify matters by demonstrating which will suit you best:

Why Stick with Google Photos?

You should stick with Google Photos if you:

  • Want a free and easy-to-use photo storage tool.
  • Don't require anything beyond its basic editing capabilities.
  • Enjoy how Google Photos integrates with other services, such as Gmail & Google Drive.

Looking for the best Google Photos alternative? Try these group photo sharing apps, aka, Family Album & DropEvent!

Why Opt for DropEvent?

If you’ve been searching for a Google Photos alternative, you should opt for DropEvent because:

  • It lets you create private events that you can use to share & collect photos and videos with your loved ones privately.
  • You can assign different levels of permissions to different users. Large families can use this feature to give specific people permission to upload, edit, or delete your media.
  • It integrates with social media & email marketing tools. That means you can use the family photos & videos for marketing purposes easily.
  • You can add branding events, such as family logo or colors, to your event-based galleries to make them look more polished & professional.

Would you like to collect and share photos without worrying about privacy concerns? Try DropEvent!


1. Is there a better alternative to Google Photos?

Yes, DropEvent wins the Google Photos vs DropEvent battle because it makes sharing & collecting photos even easier. Gallery owners/DropEvent account holders just have to send a link or QR code to someone, who can then access the media in the gallery immediately—or upload photos & videos.

2. What is the disadvantage of Google Photos?

Besides the obvious disadvantage over privacy concerns, users also complain about the limited editing tools that Google Photos has to offer. That includes not being able to modify RAW files.

3. Is Google Photos free forever?

No, Google Photos is not free forever. The media you upload now counts toward the free 15GB that comes with Google accounts. Note: this update came midway into 2021, so whatever you uploaded before this time won’t be affected by this cap.

4. What is the app similar to Google Photos?

DropEvent is a great Google Photos alternative since it similarly offers storage space. But, unlike Google, it doesn’t compress your media to make room. Your photos & videos keep their original resolutions!

5. What is DropEvent?

DropEvent is a web app that you can use to share memories with family, friends, or colleagues, collaborate on media-based projects, and stay connected by liking or commenting on each other’s photos.

6. Is DropEvent an alternative to Google Photos?

Yes, DropEvent is a Google Photos alternative because it integrates with other marketing tools the way Google does!
