Beyond Social Media: Creative Corporate Photo Sharing Applications

No more #awkward Facebook friend requests for event photos! Discover creative corporate photo sharing with Beyond Social Media and enhance your brand's story.

Beyond Social Media: Creative Corporate Photo Sharing Applications

If your company’s anything like Nickelback, you should be smart enough to know where the real power of social media lies hidden, i.e., memes! When the band first released its song, Photograph, they might not have realized it’d be the subject of so many memes. But instead of taking umbrage, they embraced it once they caught on. 

You may be thinking, “why is a photo sharing app mentioning memes”. Because memes like good food have the power to bring people together. You know it; we know it; even Google knows it! And they’re just one type of media your employees can enjoy via a corporate photo sharing app.

So much so that they based a Google Photos campaign around this song!


So, today we’ll be looking into the many ways companies can leverage such an app, with a particular focus on the uses that go beyond social media.

Benefits of Using Corporate Photo Sharing Apps

If the photo sharing app you’re using also stores the images you upload, you and your team get to enjoy much more than shared memes. Those benefits include:

1. Your Images Remain Safe

In the event of a computer crash, you won’t have to worry about losing your images forever. Once you’ve uploaded the photos taken at a corporate event, they’ll remain secure on the site. So, you wouldn’t need to run after dozens of employees to get them to add their contributions to the photo pool once more!

Just as we are sticking to our Nickelback theme, your photos will stick to safety!

2. Easy and Immediate Access 

Most photo sharing sites require all their users to create accounts and jump through other hoops. However, there are others, like DropEvent, that only need one user to sign up while the other uploaders can get in via a QR code. Whether your team uses a code or a link to get in, they have instant access to photos. Want a quintessential image for online reputation management? (ORM)? Have your manager grab one right off your company’s DropEvent gallery. It’s that easy.

3. Say No! to Cluttered Hard Disks

Think of a corporate photo sharing app as an online, external hard drive. Drop images there, large and small, and it will store them. That way, you won’t be filling up your own device’s storage space or cluttering it with large files. Access them only when you need them and download as necessary–freeing disk space and your mind from worries. 

4. Even Easier Retrieval and Higher Visibility

Many websites will let users sort their photos into albums. So, when your photo sharing community wants to search for images from a particular company retreat, for instance, they can do so easily. You can also group pictures on the basis of other factors, such as geographic locations, events, date, etc. 

5. Increased Employee Engagement

Engaged employees are more emotionally connected and committed to their job, their colleagues, and their organization. Turnovers for highly engaged businesses are 43% lower as compared to disengaged business units. The stats get better from there! Highly engaged businesses also have better:

  • Customer ratings by 10%
  • Sales by 18%
  • Profitability by 23%


For instance, Caterpillar, the construction behemoth, achieved the following stellar results in just one year through increased employee engagement:

  • Saved almost $9 million
  • Satisfied more customers
  • Boosted their profits by $2 million


Team photos are valuable mementos for documenting corporate events and retreats, showcasing employees on websites and marketing materials, personalizing tradeshow swag, and helping departments feel more connected across multi-state or -country divisions, or WFH employees who rarely, if ever, meet in person.

You can also use them to improve communication within the organization. Your online photo albums can be an important component of your company’s ERG strategy. For instance, the increased visibility of the images can also generate more comments and other forms of engagement from team members and employees.  

Whether they comment on pictures of pets, company gatherings, or share memes about the worklife, a group photo sharing app can help boost the formation of an organic community within your organization. The more these organic groups grow, the lesser chances there will be that divisive silos and echo chambers will form. 

P.S. Don’t forget to collect the pictures so they don't disappear into the Slack messages like a friday pup pic competition!

Creative Ways Businesses can Use Photo Sharing Apps

In case you thought those were the only advantages of using a photo sharing app...

Now you know what advantages you can reap in-house by using a creative corporate photo sharing app, let’s glance at the benefits it has outside of your organization:

Share Behind-the-Scenes (BTS) Photos to Humanize the Brand

A good photo sharing app doesn’t just let you upload–and share–images. It offers options for other types of media too, like videos. Most businesses (91%) and marketers (96%) say they’ve successfully been using video to improve how well users and potential customers understand their product or service. If those numbers look good to you, start creating Behind-the-Scenes content of your business in action. 

Wondering what goes into making one? Think of insights into the manufacturing of a product or making of a service. When you let your audience peek behind the office curtains, you generate a feeling of inclusion. It draws them deeper because they can see your business isn’t static. It’s evolving to answer their unique needs so you can serve them better. This can help you form stronger bonds with your consumers and clients. So, use the images and videos to tell stories about your business and the people connected with it. Reveal the quirks and traits that give your brand its unique personality. Just remember to be authentic since your objective is to build trust and not show off!

Showcasing Employee Achievements to Boost Morale

Building up your employees and appreciating the good work they’ve been doing is great. What’s even greater is to yell about their successes and abilities off rooftops. Humans are built to be social. So, when you make their good deeds public, you show them:

  • Their work matters to the company as a whole
  • They’re a part of a cause that’s bigger than their individual, albeit crucial, roles


The two best ways to go about employee recognition involve:

  • Featuring employees who have been going–or go–the extra mile for customers on the company website. Not only will you be appreciating them, but you’ll also be announcing they’re the kinds of people your company hires.
  • Shoutout employees internally too - and not in an “employee of the month” kind of way. When someone aces a presentation, share a photo of them killing it that someone took from the back of the room. Graphic designers work overtime on a post for a trade show? Take a picture of the final setup on location and thank them for their great work. Analytics sprint to the finish line and wrangle all the reports?  Meme them and their flex (if it fits your office culture). 


Sharing Customer Photos to Form a Community

Who said you’re the only one who needs to keep creating content for branding? Let your customers send in user-generated content (UGC) aka consumer-generated content. And here are the reasons why:

  • Of course, because it gives your content team a break from constant content generation
  • But it’s also authentic and original–two qualities 60% of marketers think are only found in successful content
  • Helps you build trust with more selective buyers, like the notoriously fickle Gen-Z
  • It comes in so many interesting and diverse forms, including images, testimonials, videos, reviews, and podcasts
  • Empowers your consumers and transform them into low-key brand ambassadors/influencers 
  • Being part of a brand’s growth inspires greater loyalty and affinity in consumers
  • Increases the engagement between your consumer community and the brand


Highlighting Company Culture to Attract New Talent

LinkedIn research shows potential job seekers want to unearth the real company culture before applying for an available position. Show the right-for-you potential candidates how your organization’s a good fit for them. Most recruitment experts know finding the right talent takes more than just checking out qualifications and experience. So, use your corporate brand-centric images to attract people with similar values. For instance, if your organization is big on workplace psychological safety, it may be time to get out the images from the best private photo sharing app that prove just that. 

Since, social media provides job seekers with transparency and accessibility, you can also use it to showcase your company in the right-for-it light:

  • Access your photo sharing apps for events for images that show an engaging and interactive workplace–employee birthday celebrations, conferences, corporate training events are all great ways to underscore your company values unity, culture, inclusivity, and professionalism. 
  • Post reels highlighting a day-in-the-life of employees while at work on your socials.


Find more ways of promoting company culture here.

The applications of corporate photo sharing may seem endless, but you get the point.

Enough Photographs–Time for a Spotlight on DropEvent

DropEvent is one of the best photo sharing apps for events for companies looking to make the most of their corporate media content. Below, we mention several qualities that explain why its clients trust it so:

Features and Benefits

  • This one stop media sharing site doesn’t require you to download an app to use it!
  • Your images and videos are immediately available on DropEvent to share and use–unlike professional photographers who take time to develop
  • Organizing and grouping content your way–into folders and with tags and captions–is easy and makes it easier to view
  • Choose between small and large thumbnails to display your content
  • Their customer service is superb–lightning quick and helpful
  • You can control access to your media via password protection


Comparison with Other Available Solutions

What’s more, these features ensure DropEvent stands in its own class among the many photo sharing apps available to you:

  • The app offers several pricing plans, such as an only photos gallery, anything goes galleries where you can upload both photos and videos, a five-gallery monthly plan, and unlimited galleries-based custom options!
  • Unlike many photo sharing options, DropEvent is so easy to use you can call it technophobe friendly. All you need is a QR code to start uploading and sharing content. Its website is also highly user-friendly. 
  • Uploads are speedy, and possible in bulk and with any device. You also get sufficient time to populate your gallery, i.e. 45 days.
  • Finally, the feature that clinches the deal for many users if all the above aren’t enticing enough: when you download media stored on DropEvent to share elsewhere, its resolution doesn’t suffer!

So, what do you think? Are you ready to try DropEvent? Do it now; do it today!


1. What is the best way to share professional photos?

You can use a top photo-sharing platform to share your professionally taken images, such as Flickr and Pixpa. Or, you can use DropEvent to store and share all kinds of media.

2. How do professional photographers share their photos?

Dropbox remains a top choice for many pros since it lets photogs store more than just images and videos. But DropEvent is another good way to share photos with large groups, such as corporate teams and employees. If you don’t want to be stuck looking up phone numbers or sending unwanted Facebook friend requests to virtual strangers you met at a conference, do it with DropEvent!

3. How do professional companies take photos?

Professional photos should look… well, professional. However, just hiring a pro won’t suffice. Sure, they’ll take care of their stuff, but you should communicate the following to your employees for best results:

  • Pay attention to the brand colors when choosing attire and background–uncomplicated and uncluttered work best in both cases. 
  • Natural lighting and backdrops are always good choices. Likewise, employees should stick to simple and professional hair, makeup, and accessories. 
  • Capture several types of images to use for different purposes and in different places.
  • A bad posture can ruin pictures.

